About Dr. Jeanne

Yep, this is me after a pretty intense trek up the mountain atop the Mary Magdalene Cave in Southern France. (Yes, I hiked in a dress and tennis shoes!) Desire and determination can cause you to do some pretty interesting things!
May you always Listen to the Callings of Your Heart!

Wishing you a life inspired by Curiosity, Heart-Centered Connections, Creative Discoveries, and Soulful Passion.
Peace, Abundance, and Tender Blessings!
Dr. Jeanne
Author, Educator,
Spiritual / Relationship Coach, & CreaTiVe Entrepreneur,
Dr. Jeanne Michele, is someone whose love for Mary Magdalene began as a small child. Her fascination with Magdalene lead to extensive research, the creation of her dissertation, her newest book, and several personal pilgrimages to France, Egypt, and the Holy Land.
A Calling of the Heart
Reclaiming Mary Magdalene
will be available in 2024.
She helps Women, Men and Couples transform their lives through cultivating a stronger sense of Aliveness, Awareness, Passion and Purpose.
Dr. Jeanne leads Events, Experiences, Retreats, locally and throughout the U.S., and pilgrimages to France to help people deepen their connection with MM and all that is Sacred. For more information about her work, please visit her other sites:
For Men:
For Women, Men, Couples: